JBIC 2024 Regional Symposium

16 April 2024

Lausanne, Switzerland

Person - Family - Community Partnership and Sustainable Evidence-Based Healthcare 



JBI_CLR_SOLID_.jpg             JBI is a dynamic international collaboration of health professionals and researchers dedicated to promoting and supporting Evidence Based Healthcare (EBHC). JBI mission aims to synthesize and translate evidence into practice and policies that are effective and sustainable at local, national, and international level.

JBI partnership and scholarly work focus on the promotion of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). In addition, JBI Collaboration is recently engaged in working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations, specifically the SDG 3 “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”, to maximize the use of available resources and reach a global impact on health outcomes.

Acknowledging the complexity of healthcare systems and the needs of the population, JBI integrates into its approach, a partnership with the people with health needs, their families, and the community. This collaborative approach ensures that our research and implementation projects are aligned with SDGs, from addressing the right question to understanding and implementing results. This alignment is crucial for maintaining the relevance of our research and implementation projects and overcoming the complexity and the challenges of the continuously changing and evolving healthcare system, thus leading to sustained changes in practice and care.

JBI’s collaborative and person-centered approach is a driving force for positive change in healthcare. Partnership with the people with health needs, their families and the community will strengthen their awareness of EBHC and will ensure that their needs and perspectives are communicated to healthcare professionals. The person, the family, and the community should be considered active stakeholders, working with healthcare professionals for optimizing health outcomes and maximizing the impact of SDGs.

Consequently, JBIC 2024 Regional Symposium will focus on the integration of a partnership with the person with health needs, their families, and the community in the development of EBHC, that is aligned with the SDGs.


Organizing partners 

This symposium is supported by the Bureau d'Echange des Savoirs pour des praTiques exemplaires de soins (BEST), a JBI center of excellence in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, which brings together six healthcare institutions:

  • the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)
  • the Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare (IUFRS)
  • the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)
  • the University of Health Sciences (HESAV) Lausanne
  • La Source School of Nursing (La Source) Lausanne
  • Geneva School of Health Sciences (HEdS Genève)


Hosting organization 

  • the University of Health Sciences (HESAV) Lausanne



The symposium is free and open to all. Registration will open in February.



Topics for submission are related to the symposium theme:

  • Person partnership and sustainable evidence-based healthcare
  • Family partnership and sustainable evidence-based healthcare
  • Community partnership and sustainable evidence-based healthcare

Keynote speakers

  •  Alex McArthur from JBI will talk about sustainable development goals for Evidence based healthcare
  •  Séverine Vuilleumier from La Source School of Nursing (La Source) Lausanne

The programm includes plenary sessions and parallel sessions with around twelve oral presentations. A poster presentation will also be organized.


Call for abstracts

Call for abstract is open until 8th February 2024. 

Guidelines for Abstract submission : for details in the Main Menu below "Call for abstracts"

Participants are invited to submit an abstract in English of no more than 250 words. All presentations must be in English.

Review process

Only abstracts submitted online will be accepted.

Peer reviewers from BEST and various JBIC centers will review your abstract submission for acceptance.

Authors will be notified about acceptance and selected presentation. They will receive presentation guidelines.


11/01/24 - Open call

15/02/24 – Submission deadline (extended until 15/02)

08/03/24 – Acceptance notification


Person - Family - Community Partnership and Sustainable Evidence-Based Healthcare

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